Korin Bristleclaw

Level 1 Tabaxi Ranger (Beast Master)

14 (+2)
16 (+3)
14 (+2)
12 (+1)
8 (-1)


Armor Class 14 (Light Armor)
Hit Points 10 (1d10 +2)
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.

Proficiencies & Skills

Saving Throws Strength, Dexterity
Skills Nature +1, Insight +1, Stealth +5, Medicine +1, Survival +3, Athletics +4, Deception -1, Acrobatics +5, Perception +3, Persuasion -1, Performance -1, Intimidation -1, Sleight of hand +3

Character Information

Korin Bristleclaw is a Tabaxi who grew up in the vibrant forests where their tribe thrived. From a young age, Korin was taught the ways of the wild, learning to track animals and navigate through dense foliage. Unlike many of his kin who were drawn to civilization, Korin felt a calling to the freedom of the wilderness, often exploring beyond the tribe's borders alone. His agile form and keen instincts lent him the skills of a ranger, and he became adept at using a bow and managing animals with a gentle but firm hand.

During one of his excursions, he rescued a young wolf caught in a hunter's trap. Seeing a kindred spirit in the wolf's fierce determination, Korin named her Kira and formed a bond that would turn them into a formidable duo. Learning the bond of companionship, they navigate the world, tracking foes and hunting for food together.

Korin believes in honoring nature and helping those who cannot protect themselves. He sees the forest as a sanctuary and strives to preserve its secrets from those who would do it harm. His ultimate goal is to unravel the mysteries of the land's deep magic while educating others about the delicate balance of nature. Though he often wanders far from his tribe, they remain in his heart as he explores the world, learning more with every step.

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