Elara Brightfoot
Level 1 Lightfoot Halfling Rogue (Thief)
16 (+3)
14 (+2)
12 (+1)
13 (+1)
15 (+2)
Armor Class
14 (Armor Class)
Hit Points
8 (1d8 +2)
25 ft.
Proficiencies & Skills
Saving Throws
dexterity, intelligence
Arcana +1, Nature +1, History +1, Insight +3, Stealth +5, Medicine +1, Religion +1, Survival +1, Deception +4, Acrobatics +5, Perception +3, Persuasion +2, Performance +2, Intimidation +2, Investigation +3, Sleight of hand +5
Character Information
Elara Brightfoot arrived in the bustling city of Eldarr when she was a child, escaping from a poverty-stricken village across the sea. Raised in the harsh streets, she learned quickly how to survive on her own, becoming thrifty and crafty, often relying on her wit and dexterity to procure food and shelter. Elara is of a Lightfoot Halfling descent, giving her an innate charm and a knack for remaining unnoticed when needed. With her keen perception and nimble fingers, she became skilled at thievery, but she always steals from those who can afford it, believing in the principle of 'robbing the rich to feed the poor.'
Despite her upbringing, Elara is cheerful, often quick with a joke to lighten the mood. She dreams of becoming a hero, using her skills for greater causes than mere survival. Though she often trusts too easily, her heart is in the right place.
Her goal is to gather a band of misfits like herself, creating a family where each looks out for the others. Elara seeks adventure and risk that will lead her to the day she can turn her skills toward a noble ambition, perhaps even to reclaim her homeland from the poverty that hinders it. Embracing spontaneity, Elara is a free spirit who believes that a little mischief can make the world a better place.
Despite her upbringing, Elara is cheerful, often quick with a joke to lighten the mood. She dreams of becoming a hero, using her skills for greater causes than mere survival. Though she often trusts too easily, her heart is in the right place.
Her goal is to gather a band of misfits like herself, creating a family where each looks out for the others. Elara seeks adventure and risk that will lead her to the day she can turn her skills toward a noble ambition, perhaps even to reclaim her homeland from the poverty that hinders it. Embracing spontaneity, Elara is a free spirit who believes that a little mischief can make the world a better place.
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