Tom the Resolute

Level 1 Human Fighter (Champion)

16 (+3)
14 (+2)
12 (+1)
12 (+1)


Armor Class 18 (Heavy Armor)
Hit Points 10 (1d10 +2)
Speed 30 ft.

Proficiencies & Skills

Saving Throws Strength, Constitution
Skills Arcana +1, Nature +1, History +1, Insight +1, Medicine +1, Religion +1, Survival +1, Athletics +5, Perception +1, Intimidation +2, Investigation +1

Character Information

Tom is a young knight of noble stature, compelled by the legacy of his father, a once-venerated defender of Avantia, who mysteriously vanished after embarking on a mission to protect the kingdom from the rising tide of darkness. Raised in the shadow of his father’s glory, Tom grapples with the weight of expectation and a burning desire to uncover the truth behind his father's disappearance, prompting him to dedicate his life to safeguarding Avantia. When the dark wizard Malvil’s malicious grasp fell upon the land, Tom was summoned by the king due to his lineage, earning a position among the knights restoring hope to the realm. He embodies steadfast bravery and loyalty and possesses a profound sense of justice. Characterized by an indomitable will, he stands resolute against evil. Yet, amid his gallant demeanor lies an unquenchable curiosity about his father's disappearance, motivating him to seek relics that may unveil ancient secrets and clue towards his father's fate. Tom’s journey to reclaim Avantia becomes intertwined with personal redemption, guided by the hope that within every battle lies the possibility of discovering truths long buried—the ones defending the kingdom may hold the key to family, legacy, and identity.

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