DnD Character Details

Character Background

  • Name: Zephyr Starseer

  • Class: Monk

  • Race: Half-Elf

  • Alignment: Neutral Good

Zephyr was born under the celestial alignment that is said to grant seers and oracles their visions of the future. She grew up in a small village of human settlers on the outskirts of an ancient elven forest, and was raised by her human mother after her elf father left them.

Zephyr's mother was a skilled herbalist and healer, and she noticed her daughter's strange affliction at a young age. Zephyr would often have vivid dreams of events yet to come, and would wake up in a cold sweat. Her mother, fearing for her safety, taught her how to meditate and focus her mind, in the hopes that it would help her control her visions.

As Zephyr grew older, she took an interest in the monastic traditions of the elven forest, and decided to leave her home to learn from the elders there. She was accepted into the order, and became a student of the Way of the Four Elements. She now travels the land, using her visions to help those in need and seeking enlightenment.

Appearance and Personality

Zephyr is a striking figure, with long silver hair and piercing blue eyes. She has the graceful movements and fluidity of an elf, but the strength and determination of a human. She wears a simple robe of gray, with a green sash around her waist.

Zephyr is a kind and compassionate person, always willing to help those in need. She has a strong sense of justice and will not hesitate to stand up for what she believes is right. She is also fiercely independent, and prefers to rely on her own skills and abilities rather than those of others.

Allies and Organizations

Zephyr is a member of the elven monastic order of the Four Elements, and has a deep respect for the ancient traditions of her elven teachers. She also has a network of allies and contacts among the human settlers of her home village, and will often visit them on her travels.

Stats and Ability Scores

  • Strength: 12

  • Dexterity: 16

  • Constitution: 14

  • Intelligence: 10

  • Wisdom: 16

  • Charisma: 12

Armor Class, Hit Points, and Speed

  • Armor Class: 16

  • Hit Points: 12 (1d8 + 4)

  • Speed: 35 ft.


  • Armor: Light armor

  • Weapons: Simple weapons, shortswords

  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity

  • Skills: Athletics, Insight, Perception, Stealth


  • Armor: None

  • Weapons: Shortsword, quarterstaff

  • Tools: None

  • Other: Explorer's pack


  • Cantrips: Shape Water, Mold Earth

  • **1st Level

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