Thoram Thunderstone
Level 20 Mountain Dwarf Dwarf Paladin (Oath of Devotion)
24 (+7)
20 (+5)
14 (+2)
16 (+3)
18 (+4)
Armor Class
27 (Heavy Armor)
Hit Points
210 (20d10 +5)
25 ft.
Proficiencies & Skills
Saving Throws
Wisdom, Charisma
Arcana +2, Nature +2, History +2, Insight +3, Medicine +3, Religion +2, Survival +3, Athletics +13, Perception +3, Persuasion +10, Performance +4, Intimidation +10, Investigation +2
Character Information
Thoram Thunderstone, the King of the Ironforge Mountains, embodies the spirit of honor and valor. As a Mountain Dwarf Paladin of considerable renown, his extraordinary strength and resilience have earned him respect among allies and foes alike. With a noble lineage dating back centuries, he ascended to the throne after rallying his kin during the Underdark Wars, ensuring the safety of his people against dark forces lurking beneath the mountains.
King Thoram's dazzling golden armor is decorated with intricate engravings depicting ancient dwarven legends. His heavy warhammer, 'Stonebreaker', is said to hold the spirits of past warriors, granting him unmatched strength in battle. Despite his formidable presence, Thoram is beloved for his wise leadership and compassionate spirit. He often goes among his people, listening to their concerns and addressing the issues of his kingdom.
A true champion of justice, he made an Oath of Devotion, vowing to protect the innocent and uphold the law. His unyielding faith in Moradin fuels his strength, and he acts as a beacon of hope to his realm and beyond. Through both diplomacy and martial prowess, Thoram strives to foster peace among the races, believing that cooperation can heal even the deepest divisions in the world. Yet, he remains ever vigilant, ready to forge alliances and lead his dwarven clan into battle if the darkness ever threatens once more.
King Thoram's dazzling golden armor is decorated with intricate engravings depicting ancient dwarven legends. His heavy warhammer, 'Stonebreaker', is said to hold the spirits of past warriors, granting him unmatched strength in battle. Despite his formidable presence, Thoram is beloved for his wise leadership and compassionate spirit. He often goes among his people, listening to their concerns and addressing the issues of his kingdom.
A true champion of justice, he made an Oath of Devotion, vowing to protect the innocent and uphold the law. His unyielding faith in Moradin fuels his strength, and he acts as a beacon of hope to his realm and beyond. Through both diplomacy and martial prowess, Thoram strives to foster peace among the races, believing that cooperation can heal even the deepest divisions in the world. Yet, he remains ever vigilant, ready to forge alliances and lead his dwarven clan into battle if the darkness ever threatens once more.
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