Jerome, the self-proclaimed god of Jeromeington, is a charismatic and cunning young man of about sixteen years old. With piercing blue eyes that seem to hold the secrets of the forest, and a wiry frame clad in a patchwork of animal hides and leaves, Jerome commands the respect and fear of his tribe. His hair is a wild tangle of brown, often adorned with feathers and bones, symbolizing his connection to the woods he rules. Jerome's voice carries an unusual lilt, a singsong quality that entrances his followers, making them hang onto his every word. This quirk, combined with his natural leadership, has solidified his position as the god of the Jeromeington tribe.
Jerome's ambition burns bright; he dreams of expanding his dominion over the entire forest, subjugating the rival Jizzington tribe and any other groups that dare to challenge him. His vision is not just of power but of a legacy that will echo through the trees long after he's gone. However, his path is fraught with obstacles. The Jizzingtons, led by the equally cunning and ruthless Jizzilda, are a constant thorn in his side, thwarting his plans at every turn. Jerome's solution is to rally his tribe, the school children turned warriors, to build ever more complex dens and traps, using their youthful energy and his strategic mind to outmaneuver their enemies.
His tactics work because Jerome understands the psychology of fear and loyalty. By weaving tales of his divine right and the glory of their tribe, he keeps his followers motivated and united. Yet, the constant skirmishes take their toll, and Jerome finds himself increasingly isolated, his dreams of a peaceful reign slipping away. As the battles rage on, Jerome's resolve hardens, and his methods grow more desperate and cruel, alienating some of his most loyal followers. The end for Jerome is uncertain, caught between his ambition and the reality of the brutal forest wars.
The conflicts in Jerome's life are not just external but internal. He grapples with the morality of his actions, the weight of leadership, and the fear of failure. Yet, his determination to see his vision realized keeps him pushing forward, no matter the cost.