Lezalt, an outcast illithid, once thrived within the cerebral hierarchy of his kind, but now wanders the realms as a rogue wizard. His skin, a deep shade of purple, glistens with a subtle bioluminescence, a remnant of his illithid heritage. His eyes, large and unblinking, shimmer with an otherworldly intelligence, hinting at the vast knowledge he has amassed. Lezalt's tentacles, usually a sign of his race's predatory nature, are often hidden beneath a heavy, dark robe that he wears as a shield against the world's scorn. At roughly 200 years old, he bears the weight of his exile with a hunched posture, a physical manifestation of his isolation.

Lezalt's journey began when he rejected the traditional illithid path of consuming minds, instead seeking knowledge through arcane means. His desire to understand the universe's mysteries without harming others led to his banishment. He yearns to find a place where he can study in peace, yet the world fears and misunderstands him, seeing only the monster and not the scholar. To combat this, Lezalt uses his wizardry to aid those in need, hoping to earn trust and acceptance. His actions often work because they are genuine, driven by a deep-seated need to prove his worth beyond his race's reputation.

Despite his efforts, Lezalt's path is fraught with conflict. He struggles with the internal battle between his illithid instincts and his chosen path of non-violence. Externally, he faces prejudice and fear from those who cannot see past his appearance. His journey is a testament to his resilience, as he continues to seek a sanctuary where his intellect can flourish, and his heart can find peace. Yet, the end of his tale remains unwritten, as he navigates the delicate balance between his nature and his aspirations.

Lezalt's unique trait is his habit of constantly murmuring incantations under his breath, a soothing ritual that calms his restless mind and keeps his illithid urges at bay.