Strix, an eleven-year-old Mutant Turtle Kraang Hybrid, embodies the failed experiment of the Kraang's sinister ambition to recreate the Hamato brothers for their own malevolent purposes. His existence is a testament to the Kraang's cruelty, having been abandoned in the harsh environment of Dimension X until Leatherhead, a compassionate mutant alligator, discovered him and brought him through a portal to Earth, specifically to New York City, to the Hamato family. Strix's appearance is a haunting blend of turtle and Kraang features, with his skin a sickly pale green, marred by patches of Kraang-like tissue. His eyes, wide and unblinking, reflect a world of fear and mistrust, framed by a mop of untamed, dark hair. His attire, if it can be called that, consists of tattered remnants of a Kraang suit, barely covering his thin frame, a constant reminder of his origins.
Upon his arrival to the Hamato household, Strix's feral nature became evident. He secluded himself in a storage closet, transforming it into a 'cave' with a nest of boxes, a sanctuary from the overwhelming world outside. His interactions with the Hamato family are minimal and fraught with tension. Leo and Splinter, the only ones he tolerates, bring him food, their presence a necessary evil for his survival. Raph's attempts to connect are met with fear, Mikey's exuberance too loud, and Donnie's scientific curiosity perceived as a threat, reminiscent of the Kraang's invasive experiments.
Strix's life is a battle between his instinctual need for solitude and the human connection he craves yet fears. His unique trait, a soft, almost inaudible humming when he feels safe, is a rare glimpse into his inner world. Despite his fear, Strix's journey is one of gradual trust and understanding, a slow unraveling of the trauma inflicted by the Kraang. His story is one of resilience, as he navigates the complexities of his new family, learning to emerge from the shadows of his past into the light of acceptance and belonging.