Lertimor Vyton of Walbak is a formidable figure, a man whose presence commands attention and instills both fear and respect. In his mid-60s, he stands as a testament to the strength and resilience that have defined his life. His physique is impressive for someone of his age, with broad shoulders and a muscular build that speaks of years spent honing his body to perfection. This physical prowess is not merely for show; it is an integral part of who Lertimor is—a leader who believes in leading by example, demonstrating strength not just in mind but also in body.

His hair, once a dark shade of brown, has now turned a distinguished gray, cut short and neat, reflecting his no-nonsense approach to life. The icy-blue eyes set deep within his stern face are perhaps his most striking feature. They are piercing, cold, and calculating—eyes that seem to see through the very soul of those who dare meet his gaze. These eyes have witnessed much over the decades: triumphs and failures, loyalty and betrayal, peace and war.

Lertimor's face rarely betrays emotion; it is a mask of stoicism honed over years of political maneuvering and military campaigns. His expression remains impassive even when delivering orders that could alter the course of history or seal the fate of countless lives. This emotional detachment is both a strength and a weakness—it allows him to make difficult decisions without hesitation but also isolates him from forming genuine connections with others.

In terms of attire, Lertimor favors tailored suits or military uniforms that accentuate his authoritative presence. He understands the power of appearance in commanding respect and uses it to full effect. Each garment is meticulously chosen to project an image of control and discipline—a visual representation of the order he seeks to impose on the world around him.

Born into a family with deep roots in Walbak's aristocracy, Lertimor was groomed from an early age for leadership. His upbringing was steeped in tradition and duty, instilling in him a sense of responsibility towards his people and land. However, this sense of duty has evolved over time into something more ambitious—an unyielding desire for expansion and dominance on the global stage.

Lertimor's ambitions are driven by a belief that Walbak deserves its place as a major power—a belief rooted in both pride for his homeland and disdain for those who underestimate it. Yet achieving this vision is fraught with challenges; opposition arises not only from external forces but also from within his own ranks where dissent simmers beneath the surface.

To overcome these obstacles requires cunning strategy—a skill at which Lertimor excels thanks to years spent navigating complex political landscapes both domestically and abroad. He employs every tool at his disposal: diplomacy when necessary but ruthlessness when required—never hesitating to suppress any threat against him or Walbak's interests.

Despite—or perhaps because of—his uncompromising nature, there exists within Lertimor an internal conflict between personal ambition versus collective welfare—a struggle between what he wants versus what might be best for all involved parties including himself ultimately leading towards self-reflection about whether true greatness lies solely upon conquest alone?

As time progresses though so does realization dawn upon Vyton regarding limitations inherent therein despite best efforts made thus far yet still unable fully achieve desired outcomes due largely unforeseen circumstances beyond control thereby forcing reevaluation current strategies employed previously thought infallible now rendered obsolete requiring adaptation anew lest risk failure altogether thereby jeopardizing everything worked tirelessly attain thus far throughout lifetime dedicated service cause greater good envisioned long ago during formative years spent learning intricacies governance warfare alike under tutelage esteemed mentors past generations preceding present day wherein legacy continues unfold evermore henceforth until final breath drawn marking end journey embarked upon many moons prior destined shape future generations follow suit thereafter perpetuity secured forevermore.