Shadowblood Conduit
Born in the forsaken lands of Ashai, the Shadowblood Conduits are dark sorcerers who have bargained with demonic entities of the Shadom. They harness the forbidden arts of blood magic and shadowbinding to siphon life from friend and foe alike. Their methods, often as seductive as they are sinister, blend pleasure and pain in equal measure. The Conduits walk a razor’s edge between ecstasy and agony, channeling stolen vitality into fearsome power that manifests as spectral demons and auras of dread.
Class Features
Starting Equipment
Class Resources
Class Abilities
Blood Lance
You launch a spear of coagulated blood at a target, dealing necrotic damage. On a hit, the target loses extra hit points that bolster your next blood ability.
Damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.
Sanguine Veil
A veil of dark, blood-tinted shadows swirls around you, obscuring vision and softening sounds.
Life Siphon
A chilling touch that drains the life force from a target. The energy you steal is used to heal you and empower your next blood magic.
Damage increases by 1d6 per slot level above 2nd.
Demon’s Pact
You call upon your infernal patrons to enhance your magical prowess, summoning minor demonic energies that aid you in battle.
Duration increases with level.
Shadow Demon Birth
You use the stolen life force to conjure a shadow demon. The demon lasts for the duration or until it is destroyed, and it obeys your commands.
The demon gains extra hit points per higher level slot used.
Crimson Torrent
Unleash a burst of blood and shadow that deals necrotic damage to all creatures in a 20-foot cone, healing you slightly for each target hit.
Martial Abilities
Siphon Kiss
As an Action, make a melee spell attack that, on a hit, drains life from your target and transfers vitality to you. This attack also leaves the victim momentarily overwhelmed with a mix of pain and pleasure.
Crimson Initiation
Agonizing Clutch
As a Bonus Action, grasp a target with shadowy hands that inflict a burning sense of ecstasy and agony, reducing their combat effectiveness until the start of your next turn.
Siphon Kiss
Demon's Grasp
As a Reaction, when an enemy attempts a melee attack against you, call upon demonic power to lash out with shadowy appendages. The attacker takes necrotic damage and may be forced to re-roll their attack.
Siphon Kiss
Blood Frenzy
At 10th level, you can transform into a frenzied state where your blood magic surges. In this form, your melee attacks and spells gain bonus necrotic damage but at the cost of reduced defenses and clarity. Allies near you might experience uncontrollable sensations that leave them exposed.
+2 necrotic damage on attacks, -2 AC, Advantage on necrotic spell damage rolls
Gain an extra attack if you spend a Blood Point
Cannot cast non-blood spells, Vulnerable to radiant damage
Sanguine Aura
You emit a dark aura that causes nearby allies and enemies alike to experience distorted sensations of pleasure and pain. Any creature that starts its turn within a 10-foot radius must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or suffer a minor penalty to concentration or resolve.
A swirling mix of blood and shadow affects concentration and focus.
Shadowspawn Familiar
Level 5A small, demonically bound wraith-like creature that aids you by scouting and occasionally engaging enemies. The familiar is an extension of your shadow magic and benefits from your blood magic enhancements.
Darkvision 60 ft.
Scouting, Minor telepathy, Delivers your spells if within 100 ft
Scout, Attack, Distract
Level 5: Increase AC by 1 and add proficiency to Stealth checks.
Level 11: Familiar gains an additional action to Dodge.
Class Features
Crimson Initiation (Level 1)
Siphoning Touch (Level 3)
Prerequisite: Crimson Initiation
Bonds of Pleasure and Agony (Level 6)
Prerequisite: Siphoning Touch
Demonic Infusion (Level 10)
Resource Cost: 2 Blood Points
Prerequisite: Bonds of Pleasure and Agony
Shadow Metamorphosis (Level 14)
Resource Cost: 3 Blood Points
Prerequisite: Demonic Infusion
Abyssal Ascendance (Level 18)
Resource Cost: 5 Blood Points
Prerequisite: Shadow Metamorphosis
Final Rapture (Level 20)
Resource Cost: Variable (costs portion of max Blood Points)
Prerequisite: Abyssal Ascendance
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